d2m Engineering, d2m Services, and Mareal to showcase maritime and offshore expertise

The STAPEM Group is proud to announce the participation of its key entities – d2m Engineering, d2m Services, and Mareal – in the upcoming ENSTA Bretagne Forum, scheduled for November 14th, 2023.

This prestigious event, held at ENSTA Bretagne, France, is a significant platform for professionals and students in the maritime and offshore sectors.

The forum presents a unique opportunity for these STAPEM Group entities to demonstrate their expertise and innovations in ship design, naval architecture, marine engineering, and offshore facility studies. It also serves as a crucial networking event, connecting industry leaders with the brightest upcoming talents in the field.

Photo credit: Julien OGOR / Studio Lambé (Brest)

Uniting industry leaders and aspiring talents at the forefront of maritime innovation

d2m Engineering, d2m Services, and Mareal are renowned for their contributions to the maritime and offshore industries. Their participation in the ENSTA Bretagne Forum underscores the STAPEM Group’s commitment to fostering industry relationships and scouting for future talents. The event is also an ideal stage for students and professionals to explore potential career paths and internships, offering a glimpse into the exciting opportunities within the STAPEM Group.

The forum will feature a series of roundtable discussions, networking sessions, and one-on-one job dating opportunities, providing a comprehensive platform for engagement and knowledge exchange. The STAPEM Group looks forward to contributing to these discussions, sharing insights, and exploring collaborations that drive the maritime and offshore sectors forward.

For more information about the forum and the STAPEM Group’s participation, please visit ENSTA Bretagne Alumni Forum 2023.